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Editorial collaborations  

Adornment curates a section for Not Just a Label that explores the relationship between contemporary jewellery and the body, opening up new visions of its social, cultural and anthropological role. 


Adornment curates a bimonthly contribution for Benchpeg focusing on international contemporary jewelry and new trends.

Autor Magazine

Adornment reported on Autor Magazines with few contributions on contemporary jewelers.


Adornment reported on Metalsmith Magazine about Glass Jewelry.

The Glass Jewel_Pag 1 - 2.jpg
Joya Catalogue

Adornment wrote the introduction to the 2019 edition of the Joya Barcelona Art Jewellery and Objects Fair.

Art Jewelry Forum

Adornment periodically 

contributes to Art Jewelry Forum contents and articles.


© 2019 A/dornment - Curating contemporary art jewelry 

by Ilaria Ruggiero

Corte Contarina 5261 - 30121 Venice Italy

P.IVA 09450180964

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