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FOCUS ON - RITA SOTO VENTURA and the art of embracing

Rita Soto Ventura, lives in Santiago de Chile, is an industrial designer, cultural manager and contemporary jewelry artist.

She is one of the finalists of the Loewe Craft Price 2018 and she learnt the art of making jewelry by inheritance from her father, devoted to this art for more than 15 years.

In their lines of work she develops a constant search for materials and techniques, complementing the design and concepts with the handcrafted manufacturing process, thus rescuing the territory materials and ancient techniques creating pieces that link art, design and craftsmanship.

Historically the cesteria is the production of baskets and other items made by weaving, one of the oldest handicraft techniques in the world, which comes from the animal world, for example the creation of nests by birds. Man has always had need for containers to put the natural fruits collected. Hence the need to cast off leaves, bushes of all kinds to build a container.

The art of weaving was handed down orally from person to person and is characterized by different techniques and outcomes depending on places and eras.

Rita Soto takes up this ancient tradition and transposes to the world of jewel.

Her creations are deeply tied to a feminine, motherly and primordial alphabet and language.

They appear as containers and original shelters, similar to supportive and protective uterus, nests, both stylish and curved bodies.

The idea of weaving small wires and vegetal elements, mimes the creation of wearable homes, referring to organic and fluid animal forms.

The art of embracing is like the repetition of an ancient gesture, connected to the farm world, characterized by a cyclic and rhythmic act of collecting, putting together, protecting and preserving. In a primitive and earthly symbolism, both space and content become our internal world, made of memory, history and intimacy.

In the year 2012 Rita creates LAJOIA LAB Laboratorio y Escuela de Joyería, incorporating teaching as a way to transfer her knowledge.

She is currently President of Asociación Gremial de Joyeros Contemporáneos Chilenos JOYABRAVA.

Her work has been exhibited in several shows, meetings and exhibitions, in countries such as Chile, Argentina, Spain, Germany, Poland, Romania, Italy and Portugal.

She has done lectures and workshop of the technique of micro-cesteria – the art of weaving micro-basket - in Chile, Argentina and Spain.

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